Sunday, February 14, 2010

Congrats Sean!

Take 2...I accidentally just erased my entire post so here I go again! Yes, this is my monthly update!! Congratulations to my incredible husband on a much-deserved promotion!! Sean is now the Emergency Medical Services Program Manager at Windham Hospital!! I'm so proud of you will be great!! For the past week we have been driving in to work TOGETHER, dropping Kaia off TOGETHER, picking Kaia up TOGETHER, and having a real family dinner TOGETHER!! This is big for us and so far all is going well! We drive 35 minutes away from home to work 1 minute away from each other. I feel like I am driving Ms. Daisy each morning!! Kaia seems to be adjusting to the change quite nicely.

Since my last post I turned 30 and let's just say things haven't been going so well. Here is a recap of my last month:
~ I fell down my entire flight of stairs, with Kaia in my arms, after slipping at the top. Kaia was fine (THANK GOD) aside from bruises from my death grips! I on the other hand had a nice colorful backside from my momentary stop on each and every step! Along the way, I somehow managed to wrench my foot and now, 6 weeks later, I still can't fully weight-bear on it. I finally went to the podiatrist this week and after looking at my xrays he feels that I may have torn a tendon or done some ligament damage. So for now, I get to wear a boot, take some meds and have a MRI. Yay me...I love being 30 (and old)!!
~ My wallet "disappeared". My brand new Vera Bradley wallet!! Without fully putting the blame on my hubby, I'll tell the story and let you decide. We were walking out of BJs with our hands full of stuff and baby!! I had said wallet under my arm and Sean took it from me to help me get a better grip of what I was carrying. We loaded up the car, put Kaia in her seat and went home. That was the last time we saw my wallet...with all my precious belongings inside!! It has been over a month and no word so I'm assuming it's gone for good. I filed a police report just in case, had to cancel everything, etc, etc. Losing your wallet sucks...bad!!!

I guess it could be worse but I've had enough. I want to start the year over at 29 please!! On a happy note, little Sadie will be turning 1 in less than a month. My good friend is preggo and having a little girl (yay!) and my bestest Anna is almost half-way through her pregnancy and will find out the sex this week!! I personally think it's a girl but maybe that is what I am hoping for!!! You can see Jaclyn & Anna's blogs from my page. New life is always a miracle so that makes me happy!!

Here are a few cute pics of my Kaia. One is from her first day with pigtails and the other is from the Providence Children's Museum. She looks so little in her smock playing at the water tables!! Happy Valentine's Day all!! xoxo