Thursday, August 7, 2008

New Pics!

I have been meaning to post an update every day but things seem to be so busy!! Kaia is doing well, already changing so much in my opinion! I just wish she liked to sleep more at night! I can't believe how much she looks like's funny! It is amazing how one little being requires so much of your time, attention and love! She is so precious; we are so in love!

With sadness, we lost Griffin the day after Kaia came home. We miss him so much and still don't believe he isn't here anymore. Rest in peace buddy, we love you forever!

1 comment:

Jenifer said...

I'm so sorry about Giffin, how sad...

It's pretty amazing how much your life changes as soon as your first child is born.... she will change SO fast, try and enjoy every minute!

Madi is 11 weeks old now and already weighd 13 lbs!! She looks nothing like she did when she was born... they change SO SO fast.